Nero devil may cry cosplay
Nero devil may cry cosplay

nero devil may cry cosplay

Dante will use voice clips from the first game, and certain battles against enemies will trigger the DMC1 Battle Themes "Pubic Enemy" and "Lock and Load", rather than his standard battle themes. Attacks with the sword generate the slashing sound effects from the first game, and shooting with the handguns will generate the sound effects from the first game as well. Along with the costume changing Dante's appearance, certain aspects of the game's audio are changed as well. Rebellion's in-game model is replaced with Force Edge, the latter's level corresponding to the former's. As a result, the costume does not appear during cutscenes, due to his DMC1 face model lacking facial animations. Dante's entire character model is replaced with that of Dante's model from the first game.

  • DMC1 Dante - Complete Dante Must Die Mode.
  • Diesel Dante - Complete the game on Normal Mode or enter cheats to unlock Dante in jeans.
  • During the first round with Mundus, Dante can also repeatedly use his dragon attack at full strength as many times as the player desires. Devil Trigger consumptive moves can be used freely as well, such as the Bangle of Time and Nightmare-β. Unlike later Super Costumes in the series, this one will regenerate Dante's health for as long as he is in Devil Trigger (except in DMD). Unlocked after finishing Dante Must Die! mode.
  • Super Dante - Super Dante looks just like regular Dante, however, he has unlimited Devil Trigger.
  • nero devil may cry cosplay nero devil may cry cosplay nero devil may cry cosplay

    Sparda casts the shadow of his demon form rather than his human form, and changes into his own demonic form when using Devil Trigger, though his moveset still depends on his equipped Devil Arm. Unlike Dante, Sparda begins with a functional Devil Arm, Yamato (mechanically, a clone of Alastor which turns into the sword Sparda during Devil Trigger) in addition to Force Edge, and he also uses Luce & Ombra instead of Ebony & Ivory.

  • The Legendary Dark Knight - Allows the player to control the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda.
  • Dante - Default option, playing as Dante.
  • In Devil May Cry the term used for switching costume is "Character Change." This option appears when starting a new game, prior to selecting difficulty, once the player has completed the game on Hard.

    Nero devil may cry cosplay