Best d&d monsters
Best d&d monsters

He puts a call outįor help, hiring your players to investigate the wing and cleanse the Unfinished Business - Recommended Level: Low - AnĪmbitious lord closes off a wing of his castle after reports of servantsīeing terrified and going mad while caring for it.

best d&d monsters

Within 24 hours of being afflicted - after that, the oldness is The effect can be reversed by a greater restoration spell, but only Mean a whole lot to long-lived races, it can be devastating to humans. Years off of the total lifespan of a character. This means that every saving throw can potentially shave up to 40 Multiplied by 10 is how many years are subtracted from the character’s Player fails by 5 or more, they roll a D4. This attack forces a Wisdom saving throw, and if the There’s a particularly devious attack that ghosts can do called Instance, or have it haunting the player themselves. Ghost that is haunting a sword that one of your players carries, for Means anything that moves - including your players.

best d&d monsters

In the particular parlance of D&D, creature Haunted house scenario, but more interestingly, they can also haunt an Ghosts can haunt specific places, so you could go for the classic

best d&d monsters

Slow build-up where your players don’t yet know what kind of adversary Make for some tense fantasy storytelling, especially in those moments of On-the-nose choice for a Halloween adventure, but a good haunting can It’s pretty cut and dry, and, truth be told, it is an Of dead people that are trapped on the material plane, cursed to haunt something. We don’t have to go over what ghosts are, right? They are the souls

Best d&d monsters